Monday, October 19, 2009

Candy Color City

One day when I move far, far away from this City, I want to remember it just like this.
I shot this photograph two weeks ago, and created its color palette just this morning.
I think maybe I've fallen into the pages of my mother's childhood, and touched home.


  1. I've never been to San Francisco but this is what I've always believed it looks like. Beautiful photograph!

  2. Thanks Amy, I hope you get a chance to visit San Francisco. To me this photograph represents the San Francisco I want to see, and thankfully, sometimes do.

  3. Jen you've captured a wondrous San Francisco neighborhood like the one from my childhood. No gates on the entrances, though. I remember how dark those "tunnels" were, especially on Halloween night. My friends and I still ventured into them and, fearing no tricks, went up the stairs for treats!
