Friday, August 7, 2009

San Francisco Style

Window Dressing, San Francisco

Hi photofriends, I enjoyed a wonderful week at home, with three of my favorite houseguests, my Mom & Dad, and niece Allison (who is just about to start her first year of college. woohoo!) Usually when they visit we drive all around San Francisco, and tour my parent's old playing grounds. (My Mom grew up in San Francisco and my Dad spent much of his childhood there too.) This visit we opted to stay close to home, make food, stroll the waterfront, and listen to A LOT of jazz.

Although we didn't step foot in the Big City this week, I heard dozens of stories about my family's history there. I'm so happy that my Dad actually put many of these stories on paper, in Sloat Boulevard, a book lovingly named after the street on which my Great-Grandparents lived. They built their home themselves after years of working hard, and as my Dad puts it, "the stately home stood as a beacon of family accomplishment." When we drive past the house, it's so great to hear him reminisce about time he spent there as a young boy, enjoying grandma's cooking, walking to the park, or burying and digging up trinkets in the backyard (a few pieces of such treasure may still be there today!)

So, with San Francisco on my mind, and Oakland in my site, I wish you a very happy Friday. This weekend I hope you can take time to relax, enjoy your life, and kick up your feet, San Francisco style...

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